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This blog chronicles my journey through the Hawaii County Master Gardener program and beyond...

You Dirty Rat!

>> Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I went out to the garden last evening to get some Komohana grape tomatoes for dinner and found that the vine ripe ones were gone and one had indentations on it (bite marks???)!  I have a friend down the street who experienced the same thing, missing ripe tomatoes.  She thought that street walkers were helping themselves until she saw the offender first hand, a RAT!

Since our neighbors have moved out and into their new home taking with them their two cats, we have seen more rat droppings!  Yuck!  I guess the "rat" is just another pest in the garden that I have to learn how to manage!

Photo from UH CTAHR


Jane February 9, 2011 at 7:55 PM  

Rats are terrible. I remember having lots of rat problems when I lived in Kona. The wire cage type traps might work for rats in a garden. Rats are usually too big for the sticky traps (I know this from my Kona expericnes!)

Single Gal February 11, 2011 at 8:29 AM  

A family member of mine was having problems with rats last year.

It was terrible. They had made nests and everything.

So they had to pull up alot of bushes and dead brush.

But it was kind of a good thing that it happened, because now their garden looks bigger and spacious, and they are able to see more what they have.

Hopefully things will go well, with your rat problem, and you can find a good way to get rid of them safely.

Ohiofarmgirl February 20, 2011 at 1:52 PM  

Yep. As I always say "the best trap for a rat is a cat." Your pictures are spectacular and I'm soaking in the sunshine!

Aside from splashin around in the surf the two things I miss the most about hawaii are Laperts Ice cream and getting teri chicken, 2 scoops, and mac salad for lunch. and Maui Taco

Ever Green Tree February 26, 2011 at 6:41 PM  

We have monkeys here marauding our kitchen garden ever so often! Ditto, Feel like saying you 'dirty' Monkey!

green fingers mum March 22, 2011 at 7:27 AM  

No way - rats! I thought mice were bad enough. Good luck - you need a cat!

taio April 1, 2011 at 5:12 AM  


~TastyTravels~ May 13, 2011 at 7:20 PM  

Sorry about your tomatoes Susan!! Darn rats! I hope you can salvage your plants and grow more!! You should get a few outside cats!! ;0)

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