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This blog chronicles my journey through the Hawaii County Master Gardener program and beyond...

Artistic Tuesday - Copper Orchid Hanger

>> Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Today's Artistic Tuesday is a gardening craft project.  I thought of this idea the other day when I needed a gift for the host of a dinner party to which I was invited. I had all of the materials avaialble in my home.  I actually think I will make some for myself!

Required Materials:

  • copper refrigerator tubing
  • the fibrous like cloth from a coconut palm or a similar organic product
  • an orchid plant


  • Cut a length of refrigerator tubing.  You can get this at the local home store. To make the cutting easy, buy a special tube cutting tool at the local home store. The length will depend on your plant size and the required hanging length.
  • With the cut length, begin to bend the copper into a cone-like shape for the roots of the plant to rest.  Be as creative as you want.  Note:  The copper will begin to "work harden" if over bent making addition manipulation of the copper difficult.  So have an idea of how you want to bend the tubing before you starting.
  • You can see the cone-like shape in the second photo.
  • At the other end bend it so that it can hang from a tree or wall or where ever you intend to put it
  • Take orchid out of the pot and retain as much soil media as possible
  • Take the coconut fiber-like material and loosely wrap it around the orchid roots and soil materials so that the soil does not want to spill all over the place!  This is especially important if  you hanging this indoors.
  • Carefully tuck this assembly into the copper tubing cone-like shape you have created.  You may need to re-bend/tweet the cone to accommodate your plant
  • That's all there is to it!  BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!  And easy!
Note:  As you can see I created a separate pocket for a succulent.  I am not sure the orchid will like this so I am not reccomending it at this time.  I want to see how they behave together first!


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