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This blog chronicles my journey through the Hawaii County Master Gardener program and beyond...

New BLOG Started

>> Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I am starting this blog to chronicle my journey through the Hawaii County Master Gardener program. I first heard about the National Master Gardeners from Ellen, my friend in Arizona. She is an Arizona MG as well as a degreed horticulturist from Arizona State University. And a long time friend. She inspired me to seek additional gardening experience while I lived in Arizona for over 27 years. I loved gardening in Arizona because it had three planting seasons, unlike my New England roots!

I began my gardening experience as a young child in Durhamville, New York. We moved to the country and our neighbors had a home garden and many fruit trees. It was only natural that our family join the home gardening fun!

Since moving to Hawaii in 2007, I have started landscape planting for our new house. And the Master Gardener program came to light again from a new friend Laureen. She recommended I submit an application to the Hawaii County program and I did. Hence the birth of this blog!!! I hope I get in...


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