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This blog chronicles my journey through the Hawaii County Master Gardener program and beyond...

Plant Sale 2010

>> Wednesday, December 08, 2010

On October 30, 2010 our Hilo, Hawaii Master Garden Association had a plant sale in conjunction with the University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture and Human resources Open House.  I was part of the  Advertising Team and created (4) print posters to advertise the sale and this video or the actual event.  It was fun, but lots of work!!!  The event started off in the rain, but the Public was there with their umbrellas waiting in line for the 9AM start!  After expenses we raised over $5,500!


Finally Certified!

I finished my MG certification hours and was acknowledged as certified in the December general meeting! But, still waiting for my certificate and new MG name tag minus the "trainee" tag!


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